When to use the emergency room – adult

Whenever an illness or injury occurs, you need to decide how serious it is and how soon to get medical care. This will help you choose whether it is best to: Call your health care provider Go to an urgent care clinic Go to an emergency department right away It pays to think about the […]
Life Loves a (Healthy) Liver

The liver is a big part of the body’s filtration system. And it is also home to a number of maladies and illnesses if you aren’t careful in caring for it. It is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters the blood and fights infections. The liver can get inflamed or damaged by heavy alcohol […]
Eating Right When You Think You’re Not!

As the ultimate junk food nation, we are surrounded by the temptation of empty calories daily. Keeping to a healthy diet is a huge challenge. But the efforts can pay off in healthier and happier you. There are lots of ways to celebrate your favorite foods (and drinks) in July. While July celebrates National Junk Food […]
A Healthy Mind Means a Healthy Body

We all work too hard and really should listen better. Studies have shown being socially well means your body is also healthy. And maintaining our brain health as we age can help stave off dementia, memory loss and other brain function issues. Overwork and chronic stress can have long-term consequences. If you are a workaholic, your […]
Enjoying the Sun without Making Yourself the Main Course

With July 3rd being National Stay Out of the Sun Day (really), it reminds us that caring for the largest organ of our bodies is just as important as caring for our brain, heart, lungs or kidneys. If you are a “Sun worshiper” and enjoy tanning and being outdoors uncovered, then maybe you should consider a day off. […]
Getting a Glimpse into Life After Graduation

The real world comes soon enough to graduating high school students. For those with disabilities, it might take a bit more to envision their life after they earn their diploma. At Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, students with disabilities are given a special “leg up” with a program that helps them design transition plans. These plans […]
Focusing on Men’s Health

When it comes to general health, there are gender differences. While men face many of the general health issues that women also face (heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, depression), men also face some gender-specific health challenges. Compared to women, men are more likely to: Drink more alcohol and consume more tobacco Engage in risky behaviors Not see […]
Brain Health Awareness—Staying Sharp

A healthy body is a common topic. But what about a healthy brain? Brain health is something we should all be aware of and ready to cope with as we age. A basic healthy brain begins with: Regular physical exercise Proper food and nutrition Sound medical health Adequate sleep and relaxation A fit mind An active […]
The Effective Emergency Treatment of Migraines—Up Close and Personal

We’ve talked about migraines in this space before—what they are, how they can be prevented and treated. Now we have a real world example of what it is like to be afflicted with and what can be done to treat a migraine. A few days ago, an Instagram poster chronicled her visit to Frontline ER […]
The Health Benefits of Wine

Wine, wine, wine. What health benefit can an alcoholic beverage provide to me? With every May 25th being National Wine Day, what better time to talk about the benefit of sipping your favorite fruit of the vine or press of the grape. In moderation, of course. A few things to consider as benefits of a […]