Getting a Glimpse into Life After Graduation
The real world comes soon enough to graduating high school students. For those with disabilities, it might take a bit more to envision their life after they earn their diploma. At Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, students with disabilities are given a special “leg up” with a program that helps them design transition plans. These plans […]
The Effective Emergency Treatment of Migraines—Up Close and Personal
We’ve talked about migraines in this space before—what they are, how they can be prevented and treated. Now we have a real world example of what it is like to be afflicted with and what can be done to treat a migraine. A few days ago, an Instagram poster chronicled her visit to Frontline ER […]
Frontline ER’s Lab Capabilities
Having appropriate laboratory services available for an emergency acute care facility and its staff is critical for proper and complete care. That’s why Frontline ER’s lab services are always available. This availability allows us to better assist, diagnose and treat a patient’s medical condition any time of the day or night, and day of the […]