
Workplace Safety Recap: The 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace Safety Recap: The 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Regardless of their place of employment, individuals all over the country are at risk of workplace injuries. The sad fact is that most workplace injuries are completely avoidable. It just takes preparation and being aware of the everyday dangers that might face you. Our team at the Frontline ER in Dallas, TX are eager to […]

Dallas Emergency Care: For Life’s Minor Emergencies

Dallas Urgent Care: For Life’s Minor Emergencies

When it comes to emergencies, especially medical ones, it can be hard to determine the best course of action. Do you visit your primary, an emergency care clinic or even an emergency room? At Frontline ER, we provide immediate medical care for minor, medium and major emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. […]

Tips for Dealing with Anxiety after an Emergency

dealing with anxiety

Everyone responds differently in an emergency. Likewise, they are affected differently by one as well. While some may be able to move on with little or no issue, others may experience anxiety for months after the incident. It’s important that this anxiety is addressed, or it can seriously hinder everyday activities. If you are dealing […]

Summertime’s Common Injuries and Illnesses

Summertime's Common Injuries and Illnesses

When most people think of summer, the sun, the water, and the activities are usually what come to mind. At Frontline ER Dallas however, we tend to think of the common injuries and illnesses we see. Luckily, these common summer complications can be easily avoided, follow along! Heat Exposure Conditions Did you know spending too […]

The Benefits of a 3D Imaging Lab

The Benefits of a 3D Imaging Lab

3D imaging plays a vital role in medical diagnoses and treatment. Since the size of some tumors increases slowly and it is crucial to measure a glioma to identify shifts in the growth rate over time, this is a factor in identifying patients at risk for cancer. Traditionally, 2D measurements were used to assess images, […]

How Can Blood Clots Affect Your Life?

How Can Blood Clots Affect Your Life

Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with a blood clot? You may be wondering what exactly a blood clot is, why it happened and how it can affect your life. Today, Frontline ER located in Dallas, TX is going to discuss blood clots, risk factors and the impact they can have on […]

Why Choose an ER for Immediate Pediatric Emergency Care

If your child becomes sick or hurt, you want to be sure that they received the best treatment as quickly as possible. There may be a problem, however, with being rushed to the hospital. Many hospitals are already full of other patients waiting to be seen and wait times can become very long. However at […]

Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease

7 Insider tips for starting a pediatric urgent care

Heart disease is more common among Americans than many might think. It is a leading cause of death in the United States alone. How can you reduce your risk of heart disease and who has a higher risk of developing heart disease? Frontline ER in Dallas is committed to educating and protecting the individuals in […]

Preventing Workplace Injuries

preventing workplace injuries

Accidents may be unavoidable, but there are precautions you can take to either minimize the chances of one happening or minimizing the damage when it does. It’s commonly thought that accidents only happen in high-risk environments, but the truth is, they can happen in any workplace. Here are a few ways you can make your […]

Thermal Burns: What to Do

thermal burns treatment

First of all, you should call 911 immediately if: The burn penetrates deep layers of the skin. The person is an infant or a senior. The hands, feet, face, or genitals are burned. The skin is leathery or charred looking, with brown, white, or black patches. Immediate Treatment for Any Burn The very first thing […]