The secret to better health – Exercise

Whether you’re 9 or 90, abundant evidence shows exercise can enhance your health and well-being. But for many people, sedentary pastimes, such as watching TV, surfing the Internet, or playing computer and video games, have replaced more active pursuits. What exercise can do for you Millions of Americans simply aren’t moving enough to meet the […]
Why is physical activity so important for health and well-being?

We know that staying active is one of the best ways to keep our bodies healthy. But did you know it can also improve your overall well-being and quality of life? Here are just a few of the ways physical activity can help you feel better, look better and live better. Because, why not? It’s […]
Watching Your Weight

Why do you need to watch your weight? According to the CDC, more than 7 in 10 U.S. adults older than age 20 are either overweight or obese. Why is excess weight a concern? It may cause new health problems or worsen ones you already have. Staying at a healthy weight is extra important if […]
The 4 most important types of exercise

February 2, 2022 Strengthening, stretching, balance, and aerobic exercises will keep you active, mobile, and feeling great. Exercise is key to good health. But we tend to limit ourselves to one or two types of activity. “People do what they enjoy, or what feels the most effective, so some aspects of exercise and fitness are […]
Go Play Outside!”—Mom

It’s really no coincidence that May is when we celebrate Mother’s Day as well as National Play Outside Day. Mom was always after us when we were children to “go play outside>” And for good reason: growing bodies need activity as well and good nutrition. Here are a few reasons to scoot your young’uns out […]